Saturday, January 1, 2011

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a very different reality of Disease Study of the Mind: Psychoanalysis

MentalCursos VirtualesBibliotecaPublicacionesActividades CientíficasCentro Guidance and Research PsicoanalíticaTesoreríaUna History of Psychoanalysis in Argentina (*) by the peculiar ArbiserEl Dr.Samuel development, extent and depth and practice of psychoanalysis in Argentina has raised the interest and curiosity in many different areas. In these media the question has been installed on the determinants of this phenomenon expansive art discipline and a practice so sophisticated in this peripheral site on the planet. Anyway, not intended for this article answer such questions involve a complexity worthy of a collision by specialized disciplines. It is, rather, "to provide a Chronic testimonial that can not be more personal and, incidentally, could help in a modest way to answer the question. Regarding the origin of its population and its cultural roots, Argentina, and especially its capital, Buenos Aires, is quite unusual compared to other Latin American countries and most of their own hinterland. Its population comes largely European immigration and as a result of the struggle for the state organization was imposed in the country since the second half of the nineteenth century, the current "Buenos Aires" linked to the ideals of progress and values European cultural and so during that time the ruling elites the nation was imbued with such liberal and progressive positions. Suffice it to recall that from the 80 governing the law of universal, secular and compulsory. In addition, the successes and strategic geopolitical favorable cyclical conditions enabled the country since the last decades of the nineteenth century referred to the global economic crisis of 1930, enjoying an enviable prosperity. Peripheral country's rating, therefore, be more from the gradual decline that was operated from that crisis, which has not affected the same intensity to all areas. Much of the educational and cultural vitality could stay safe. Buenos Aires, become so in a pole of attraction for the implementation of cutting-edge ideas that were developed on the European continent. These include psychoanalysis, involves both doctrinal and methodological discontinuity with respect to traditional psychiatry. The development of psychoanalysis for its development requires a more sophisticated intellectual climate far from urgent human needs. Expository purposes listed several successive periods: Period preinstitutional. Since 1922, circulating in Buenos Aires English translation of Lopez Ballesteros of the Complete Works of S. Freud. Thus our avid intellectuals, professionals and amateurs had an exciting topic to discuss. For or against can remember the names of José Ingenieros, Anibal Ponce, Nerio Rojas, Belbey, Gregorio Bermann and many more. In Freud's diary includes a visit to Vienna of two eminent psychiatrists Argentines: the said Nerio Rojas and G. Bermann, separately, in February 1929. Anyway, apart from some isolated cases, there is no record of the pregnancy of Freudian thought in theorizing and in psychiatric practice, which at that time was predominantly influenced by German and French classical psychiatry. No names that will join the elite psychiatric institutional psychoanalysis period next and even more, some were hardened militants against psychoanalysis. Pioneer period. First in Latin America, in 1942 Argentina created the Psychoanalytic Association (APA), and recently started her institutional psychoanalysis in Argentina. This date indicates when the recognition of the local branch of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), founded by Freud in 1908. The enthusiastic local group was formed by Arnaldo Rascovsky, Enrique Pichon Rivière and Ferrari Hardoy, which is associated with two analysts trained in Europe, Argentina Celes Cárcamo that came with the right skills in Paris and graduated from English Angel Garma Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute. Soon added to this group Rascovsky Lucio, Marie Langer Glas, Luisa Alvarez de Toledo and Heinrich Racker. In contrast to the previous period in which the effort of implementing the ideas Freud was isolated and inorganic, is installed in the society a clinical benefit prosecuted in the theoretical rules, technical and ethical commensurate with those prevailing in other psychoanalytic centers worldwide. consolidation period. The period covered in roughly the extent of the decade of the 60's. The return to democracy after 1958, unfortunately weak and transient, simultaneous with one of the most Bright contemporary history at the University of Buenos Aires, provided a framework conducive to the emergence of a second generation of psychoanalysts. Arising at this time the names and ideas, which to some extent define the identity of a possible Escuela Argentina, if anything such a claim. Anyway, it is indisputable that we are witnessing the birth of an original work in the following decades shaped the core of psychoanalytic thinking and idiosyncratic local. So the names and contributions of the pioneer period, they begin to transcend local and internationally, the names of Leon and Rebeca Grinberg, Willy and Madeleine Baranger, Jorge Mom, Jorge García Badaracco, Mauritius Abadi, Edgardo Rolla, Phidias Cesium, José Bleger, David Liberman, Joel Zac, Horacio Etchegoyen, Carlos Mario Aslan, Ricardo Avenburg, and probably many more, since I have not done an exhaustive list. In this period of consolidation, the responsibility for training "official" psychoanalytic training is training and support for professional practice, still in the hands of the Training Institute of the APA, although they make their first appearances the first extra-API schools psychoanalysis, that members of the institution founded in response to an overwhelming gap between demand and restrictive policies of the Association. Another unique event this period is the income of psychoanalysis to general hospital services, disputing the ground organismic psychiatry inherited from the traditional classical French and German psychiatry. The name of Mauricio Goldenberg, a master of dynamic psychiatry, is the emblem of this move of significant theoretical and social implications: firstly establishing bridges between this medical specialty and psychoanalysis, and the other is expanding psychoanalytic attention broad social quotas. This must also be computed to explain the reasons for the expansion of psychoanalysis in our country. In the same blast, also in this decade, establishing the School of Psychology in Buenos Aires with a curricular program with a marked preponderance of psychoanalysis. This dominance led to the en masse students in this race was overturned, and graduate clinical psychoanalytic activity. All these expansive movements, first introduced in society's interest in psychoanalysis, both in its therapeutic effect, and in the sense of promoting a psychoanalytic culture in broad sections of society. But key stakeholders in a systematic institutional training were frustrated to enter such training by the restrictive policy of the APA and the law that prevented psychologists clinical practice. This could be one factor - among many others - which may explain the troubled period that followed. The crisis of 70. With the 70's began a period of high tension in the country and in the psychoanalytic field in question. The world also is shaken with the vertigo of ideological and political changes. Suffice it to recall the admiration and prestige in the intellectual world enjoyed Castro Cuban Revolution, the French May 1968 and its cogency in the southern cone of Latin America chronically affected by political and economic instability. Psychoanalysis could not escape these circumstances in which the positions measured every thought stifled passion. Those were times of action and rebellious attitudes confronted with the alleged establishment "reactionary", feeds on a reciprocal basis. Figures of the first magnitude deserted the APA in this confusing situation. Were housed predominantly in the movement document and Platform. Both of accession declared Marxist, although the first indigenous aspirations and the second part of an internationalist position, born after the Congress of Vienna in 1971. The issue about the social and political engagement of psychoanalysts was a matter of intense debate and discussions on the "power" and "authority" that in the heat of passion became stigmatized. Analysts were accused of the alleged establishment of wanting to "adapt" to the patients mildly to the "injustices" distributive capitalism. In this way, psychoanalysis began to be harassed from within the psychoanalytic institution and from outside. Psychotherapies other alternatives outside the still-disputed at the time, "exuberant market" of patients who grew at a rate of vertigo "consumer" inflation fueled by the economic and social unrest and growing in the human individual. Inside the opposing positions among psychoanalysts about different conceptions of psychoanalysis and training policies have been stressing is culminating in the schism that divided the APA and gave birth to the Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association (ApdeBA) in 1977. This scenario will introduce Lacan's ideas, ideas which will summon legions of supporters, not only for the intrinsic value of some of his views, but by the anti-institutional bias embodied, according to the time environmental protester and the inability of many psychologists to integrate into the institutions. The difficulty of reading the texts required the creation of a hierarchy of exegetes that soon proliferate in a multiplication of sub-schools and in the disputed areas in hospitals, universities and media. Moment. We could arbitrarily place this period from the early years of the 80's, with the return of democracy. The country has six institutions psychoanalytic API. Three in Buenos Aires and other cities inside the country. Thus, in contrast with previous periods, psychoanalysis in recent years must struggle mightily to differentiate themselves and avoid dilution in a complex and intricate "Psi World." At about 2000 analysts API was joined tens of thousands who make up this heterogeneous "Psi World." Monopoly on the training of psychoanalysts, who held official psychoanalytic institutions during the first and second period declined significantly in favor of the proliferation of numerous extra-schools API. Moreover, the pace of demand analysis, which seemed inexhaustible in previous years was eroding at an alarming rate from the 90's. However, all these features, which make up an undeniable crisis in psychoanalytic practice today, in contrast to a laborious and fruitful attitude by most psychoanalysts. The production and creativity in the field of ideas, not good on the one hand shows a thinly veiled dispute over the space market and lean patients, on the other reveals an undeniable vitality of psychoanalysis. Is set then a mosaic of theoretical paradigms and technical positions quite variegated and fragmented. Several groups are entrenched psychoanalytic and identify with leaders referring to each cut more cohesive theoretical and sectoral interest for the value of ideas. But it should also be understood as a time of change that will have to lead to new syntheses and new crisis as all scientific activity and that is why unfinished full of vitality. (*) Summary of paper presented at Versailles in July 2000, entitled "Psychoanalysis Argentina's "Who We Are What is Psychoanalysis? Campus VirtualPremiosCartelera to MiembrosRevista APdeBAMaure ControversiasForosMutual of 1850 Lugar, Buenos Aires .- Rodolfo Moguillansky, linkages and object Editorial Polemos, 1999, Buenos Aires - Rodolfo Moguillansky - "Motherhood and genitals" (presented at the conference on female in May 1999, APA). Scenarios published in Women, Dialogues and Controversies, edited by Mariam Alizade edited by Lumen (2000) .- Moguillansky Rodolfo et al, 2003, Reviewing the history of the young homosexual .... "Two-Two frames histories? Journal of Psychoanalysis of the Psychoanalytic Association of Madrid (APM), 39.03 .- Rodolfo Moguillansky, unique and everyday dialogue Thought, 2003, The Thrush, Buenos Aires, Rodolfo Moguillansky, Nostalgia for the Absolute, strangeness and perplexity, 2004, The Thrush, Buenos Aires .- Rodolfo Moguillansky, 2004, The interpretation of the analyst and the reciprocity of the illusion "Published in Learned, Journal of Psychoanalysis of the Psychoanalytic Association of Córdoba, Year 2, 2004 - Rodolfo Moguillansky, 2006 "A modern couple, clinical material, and comments" and "the love of family welfare is" co-authored with G. Seiguer), Psychoanalysis Updates link, Series Publications APdeBA Areas and Departments, Publications APdeBA, Buenos Aires, Rodolfo Moguillansky, 2006, A general framework for understanding and addressing the family in New Roads and Psychoanalytic Therapy en el siglo XXI: A experiencia de aprendizaje en los servicios sociales de Aragón "2006, Compiladora Elizabeth Palacios, Libros Certeza, Rodolfo Moguillansky-Zaragoza, 2007, L 'modern love el' passionate love constrain in the clinic. A contribution to the question of ' love and 'hate in love life en Journal of the Italian Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (SIPP), All around the' love to 'hate, Rodolfo Moguillansky .- 2007, 2008, Diagnostic and abordagens terapêuticas en familia, Família: Diagnostic and abordagens terapêuticas . Compiladora Isabel Gomes, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2008.


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