Saturday, January 1, 2011

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The Future has its basis in Today: Develop your

PublicacionesActividades CientíficasCentro PsicoanalíticaTesoreríaOrígenes Research Orientation and Psychoanalysis and its institutionalization in Argentina (*) Text espcial developed by Dr. Lenoard WENDEN our Website "who has no past has no future" (The Egyptian) to reflect on the history of the psychoanalytic movement in Argentina in a pluralist and wide as that which be it the Web APdeBA is an opportunity I was graciously única.Creo convened this presentation, youth have had the privilege of being a disciple of many of our founders and have met virtually everyone. The Arquipadres of psychoanalysis, as it used to affectionately call H. Racker, Polish-born psychoanalyst, a beloved teacher of many of us. I was also interested in history Argentine psychoanalysis and written about the subject. Another peculiarity of my syllabus psychoanalytic my dual institutional affiliation with the fact that he was president of both APA and APdeBA institutions at different times in my career. A condition which provides and imposes a unique perspective to my ideas. But there is one story. As psychoanalysts we know that a fact can be interpreted and explained according to the vision and personal knowledge not only of historians but of the protagonists and their custodial reinterpretations over a lifetime. Remember the brilliant Japanese film "Rashomon" by the great Akira Kurosawa: The same story told by each actor and left to the interpretation of each viewer? Clearly then, I'll be one of the narrators of a fragment of this review from my own psychoanalytic Rashomon. By 1923 the complete works of Freud had been translated and published in Spain at the request of Ortega y Gasset! Argentina, prosperous and scientifically eager early twentieth century, through scholars and travelers abroad was getting in touch with Freudian ideas already in vogue. In those early times the interest in psychosomatic medicine became the first link between medicine and Freudian theories. Some enthusiastic doctors and psychiatrists, supported by these notions, self-education began to work in psychotherapy. But these precursors never considered psychoanalysis as its sole focus. And not part of those six certain pioneers who were working in study groups and analyzed and in 1942 founded the Psychoanalytic Association and immediately Argentina in 1943, the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training. This differed to those who began to study psychoanalysis in the fledgling institution, of whom at that time, they were not interested enough to undertake scientific and institutionally. There was a clear distinction between the two sectors, the mistrust, rivalry and antagonism in each establishment were reciprocal: classical psychiatrists were regarded as the oligarchs and refractories, while the Communists of those times were logically and consistently antianalíticos Pavlovian. This was defined a first boundary and a barrier raised ideological, political and even social both left and right with profound consequences, and whose effects reverberate to this day. Later we will see what new elements influenced the position of psychoanalysis "official" versus the political, scientific theories and definitions of psychoanalysis emerging. For "official" I mean the component societies of the IPA, International Psychoanalytical Association, founded by Freud himself in 1910. It is noteworthy that much focused on training and highly demanding standards as guarantees necessary for the time when they were established. In 1949 at the International Congress of Zurich, the first after World War 2, the APA was accepted as an IPA component society. Angel Garma, its inaugural chairman, gave the first seminar of the Institute. The same regulations were adapted from those in London and stipulated the three basics: training analysis, supervision and seminars. This historical relationship with the English model was due inter alia to the strong influence of Kleinian psychoanalysis promoted at that time in our environment. Kleinian psychoanalysis, then emerged as a theory of renewal of the Establishment of psychoanalytic ideas and attracted to our analysts, as typical for Argentina, we were always eager for anything new from beyond the seas. The Kleinianism empowered, among other openings, understanding and analysis of children, a precious item in our environment. Remember that a famous pediatrician, Arnaldo Rascovsky, was one of our pioneers. And Arminda Aberasturi and Betty Garma, passionate precursor of psychoanalysis of children, led a capolavoro M. Klein: The Psychoanalysis of children. " Betty traveled to London and presented the case of a child of twenty months. Fact that immediately attracted the interest of many analysts since they never had discussed such a small child. In the beginning, the APA did not require medical degree, only required a respectable qualification for scientific research and applied psychoanalysis, within the discipline of each. These conditions were ambiguous and sometimes a bit arbitrary since they were essentially designed to accommodate people close to the inner circle. But from 1951 to 1987, candidates had to be solely medical decision based on the prevailing laws in our country at that time. These and other rail measures Freud had a rationale: the slogan of psychoanalysis to stay out of university and government organizations as a pass for their subsistence and autonomy. This advice is useful at the time, especially for a country subject to military coups and instability university was the ideological roots to justify the isolation of the first times. In turn, this initial isolation empowered internal consolidation, forced its founding members and new litters sworn and fully embrace "the psychoanalytic cause." So during the first thirty years, the Institute held a regulation unique and virtually immutable training curriculum. But one time a good portion of the intelligentsia became interested Argentina usufruct of what was happening in there. This condition was not only fueled by the excitement and dissemination of individual and then group analysis, but also by the operating groups devised by Pichon Rivière, Balint groups in hospitals, etc. I mean all of those openings to the outside that began to occur despite the initial tendency to inbreeding. An epiphenomenon caused this closure foundation, had a paradoxical effect in terms of the expansion and dissemination of psychoanalysis to outside. We know that institutional changes have a greater inertia to the changes and transformations at the individual or small groups of avant-garde shock. He already privately, psychoanalysts of the APA, began gradually in accordance with the strong demand for scientific and economic, to provide study groups, supervision and found extramural institutions where new techniques are also taught not "orthodox." All these deployments completed reverting to the inside of the institution and ultimately produced the greatest changes. This influence is refreshing and sometimes revolutionary, was one of the elements that were transforming the ideology of psychoanalytic training in our institutes. From the inside out and back outside to inside, with all the new and transformed. This is a dialectic sequence for me was historically critical to our Argentine psychoanalysis. Today with the enormous socio-cultural changes we have been experiencing this dialectic remains. For example in 1954 establishing the Association of Psychoanalytic Psychology and Psychotherapy Group, made up mostly by psychoanalysts of the Association. Had to organize outside, because the group psychoanalytic psychotherapy, "It was not psychoanalysis." This is the lapidary phrase archiclásica for anything new or different psychoanalytic. At present both APA and in APdeBA and other official institutions, there is training, teaching and discussion groups, families and couples. If this had not started "by this step outside," test-bench everything new - never have been incorporating it into our homes. I think this eventuality is emblematic of the idea that I wish to emphasize. Another typical phenomenon for the enrichment of our theories is the way to go Lacan's ideas to finally enter our institutions. In 1953 Lacan decide his historic break with the IPA. Begins its independent scientific development. The components of the International associations, suffer the taboo of knowledge and dissemination Lacanism the inside. But could not prevent individual and small group, its members began to study and implement the ideas of Lacan. Thus, at first, the component societies of the International take to get rich with the ideas of this new trend, a trend that largely reversed later. Lacan Now, with their particular reading of Freud and their own fundamental developments, is part of the official programs of our institutes. And a remarkable epiphenomenon: the Lacanian ideas in turn, dragged him controversial theories and developments of third French writers, actors and / or dissidents of Lacan, who also set fruitfully in our partnerships. Auglanier Piera, André Green, etc. now impossible to cite many new thinkers. But clearly forbidden attracts more than allowed. A reflection on the confluence of conflict situations and areas: the Argentine Lacanism as we have said, they took an unusual self-development. Began to nuclear groups frequented by scholars, psychoanalysts concerned and also, this is what I want to emphasize for the case: many psychologists, the other group at that time was officially segregated Psychoanalysis and the lawful exercise of their profession. Perhaps this combination of marginalization and resentment just will entitle the spread largely Lacan's theories of psychologists in the environment. In addition to their own scientific weight, the Lacanian idea came to constitute in my view, at the same time political and ideological banner of these sectors. This trip, I understand as a phenomenon similar to what was once revolutionary and foundational to psychoanalysis in Argentina: the assimilation of Kleinian ideas resisted in its early development period in which American school and the psychology of self. Remember also, for example, how the ideas of Bion took in joining the interest of American psychoanalysis. Finally though, Bion was invited to live and teach in the States Unidos.Otro typical phenomenon of the paradox Argentina: ambivalence and elitism. While on the one side were created in 1956 psychology schools in three cities: Buenos Aires, La Plata and Rosario, psychologists could not freely practice psychotherapy! 1966: Coup Onganía. "Night of the long sticks." Disclaimer and exodus of teachers, the dismantling of the University. His students were even more orphans of psychoanalytic knowledge. This indirectly reinforced the fief of psychotherapy supposedly exclusive to doctors and especially psychiatrists, who in turn did not want more competition, and had enough with the rise and infiltration of psychoanalysis in the country. A telling fact in this regard was an attitude parallel from the same institution psychoanalysis: that, jealous of its hegemony, and, based on the famous law of the first Peronist Carrillo, who did not allow the practice of psychotherapy rather than doctors, did not accept the entry of new university psychologists: double closure and for similar reasons. But nevertheless, continued teaching psychoanalysis point out that analysts were already renowned professors in universities. Bleger Joseph and David Liberman, two internationally known psychoanalysts by the value of their clinical and theoretical writings, among many others in the UBA. This university participation was frowned upon in the corridors of the Association of those times. Times have changed: now we are following the legalization of psychoanalysis as a specialty accepted by the State and the struggle to deliver within our psychoanalytic institutions including masters and doctoral graduates from other races!. O tempora and mores! Cicero already 100 years before Christ. But at the time, J. Bleger at the time a strong candidate for the presidency of the APA, was so much opposition among other causes for their performance and their ideas of college left, indignant, decided not to. It was he who then I encouraged and supported among others, that I run for president. The year was 1972. When Bleger died, it fell to me as president, his painful farewell. The high demand for training analysis that was occurring, soon compounded by the limited supply of available training. Begins to take shape in fact a practice that eventually ends colloquially known "Psychoanalysis waiting." Condition of course defeating the therapeutic level of these tests. The "protocandidatos" as I called them, it sometimes takes years to access a training analysis!. And many would not or could not wait that long. During my tenure at APA was a campaign to encourage educational symposia presentation of many owners and well-trained and able to access that function. (A pending at the time, difficult and discriminatory). This worked well, but fell as a fundamental solution to the problem of training analysis. My goal was and is always, to encourage generational change. In 1964 he created the Graduate School of Psychotherapy as a response to this need for doctors and psychologists who sought a systematic psychoanalytic training outside the APA. Naturally for the above reasons, the organizers and teachers were basically native of the APA. They teach and develop their experience and training as many teachers who were teachers and sometimes also "expects teachers of the Institute of Psychoanalysis. In 1969 at the International Congress of Rome born "International Platform." A strong protest movement against the training standards set by the IPA in all its institutions. Argentina platform born of this movement and takes features that give an impression local contestation referred not only to training, but demands for greater ideological commitment of the APA to the troubled political situation. With regard to the internal inquiry was the biggest concern focused on the training analysis as exclusivist mentees expected analysis and the recent expansion of the seminars to four years. In 1971 he produced the first training analysts and candidates resignations of members of this movement, which soon added "Document." Were first thirty members and twenty candidates. Among those lost were major figures valuable, experienced members of the Argentine Psychoanalytic with candidates who subsequently had a top-level scientific development. Many of those retiring were grouped in the Association of Mental Health Workers. An enthusiastic organization with strong roots left unionist. But they could not stability and development among other reasons by the ferocious political repression of those times. These resignations have created a state of "deliberative" and self-criticism within the APA that led to a "corporate reorganization proposal" raised by a group of members that in 1974 there were elections that happened to me. Jaime Szpilka candidate contender Joel Zac, triumphs and introduces major changes to the methods of admission and appointment of members and training analysts. As well as for the promotion and the curriculum of candidates. In parallel, the group "University" which then would then become APdeBA, decided to step into the arena with a view of other psychoanalytic association organized as a separate dissenting scientific, ethical and policy that the majority group. A division to which I was opposed at the time due to the precarious political situation facing the country and in the naive hope that the opposing groups could reach an understanding. In 1977 the Congress of Jerusalem, Argentina went on to have two members of the International institutions. APdeBA differed in their academic curriculum and procedures for promoting members, particularly training analysts and the promotion of Institute graduates contributing member. APdeBA During my presidency in 1983, we transform this passage in a almost direct procedure graduates Affiliated Member of the Institute. We believe that an approved academic curriculum, the procedure was sufficient by itself. Over the years, new institutions emerged in the interior and Buenos Aires, a fact already known by everyone. There is much to say about the renewal and development that these changes occurred and produced. I can not do now, just add that this great variety that we have is a benefit that covers us all: there is no longer a "hegemonic psychoanalytic knowledge" as was necessary at first, nor the Argentine psychoanalysis is a unique criptoconocimiento the institutions of the IPA. Today there are tens of psychoanalytic centers autonomous and it also enriches and stimulates us scientifically. With regard to the IPA and their positions on many issues of training and would have to write a separate volume. I know some of these intricacies, as I have been Co-chair of the Latin American International Psychoanalytic Congress in San Francisco in 1995 and Chair of the International Congress 1997 in Barcelona. I just want to mention some very recent developments and also to point there, despite his ultra-conservative paper, were due to penetrating new socio-political and even scientific. A relatively minor example: it has recently enacted, that when two institutions agreed, candidates training analysts could examine an institution and if so wish, to training in another Institute. I mention this as a symptom of some permeation of its watertight compartments ... Back to our story. Never systematically taught psychiatry in the curriculum of any of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association. In another country is required as part of the curriculum. However there are two local landmarks, marked by outstanding figures in this topic in different contexts and periods of influence. I mean Mauricio Enrique Pichon Rivière and Goldemberg. Pichon Rivière psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in the first hour, along with José Bleger, D. Liberman and E. Rolla, created in 1959 the "School of dynamic psychiatry." Is teaching a course of three years for psychoanalysts, doctors and senior students of medicine. It was another original contribution, not only for the theme: "dynamic psychiatry" (where Pichon conceived the concept of "single disease"), but because again from the psychoanalytic field integration sought professional psychiatric training. Today it has become habitual, and integration with other cross-cutting currents, at that time was a move to advanced. What did have a huge leverage effect for the enrichment of psychiatry psychoanalysis and community task, was the revolutionary organization in Mauritius Goldemberg Lanús Polyclinic where a Psychiatry Service was out of the hospice and entered the general hospital, with all that this opening significó.Un latest and hottest item I can not fail to mention are the enormous changes in the practice of psychoanalysis today causes irreversible and strictly outside our science: economic, social, cultural and even drug. These conditions, which ultimately we will require a greater depth, probably to study and review issues that sustentábamos as ultracientíficos "and inherent to our task, but now the strength of the facts compel us to rethink my Rashomon constantemente.Hasta here today.


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