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Can psychoanalysis of perversion? By Rodolfo Moguillansky - Posted on 29 March 2005Introducción Is possible psychoanalysis of perversion? The answer is not simple. I propose in this paper a framework for discussing this difficult cuestión.1-General Framework perversión1-1-Perversion: conceptual problems and clínico.Si While psychoanalysis has made a huge perversion of theoretical work, we must take into account as Jaqueline Amati-Mehler (1995) 1 suggested that "whenever the word 'perversion' is used, would require a redefinition of conceptual and clinical" 1-2 "The question in this line clínicaConvengamos the long distance contrasts with the relative theoretical Little work on exhibitions and reflections seen that the method clínicas.Sabemos psychoanalytic initially was created to analyze perverse, its relevance in this territory, many specialists in the field, despite the experience in the field there is still something to prove. The final opinion about this extension, psychoanalysis of perversions, depend on the accumulation of clinical experience and subjective indicators of change, the relevance to psychoanalysis, which can demonstrate that our framework provides an adequate tool for abordarla.2-theory on perversión2-1-The classic guidelines on psychotherapy perversiónLa theoretical understanding on the perversion has been focused on the splitting of the ego (Spaltung) and the disavowal of castration (Verleugnung) (Freud, 1927, 1938) 2, although the texts written by authors further explain in different ways because the wicked deny castration. For space reasons I will not dwell on esto.2-2-Perversion and perversidadSi need to frame the clinic that I will refer, to emphasize that the perversion, in my view, is an entity per se, with peculiarities in the construction of fantasy, peculiarities that are accompanied by a tendency to materialize in perverse expressions of sexuality, distinguishing then it is called evil. Remember that the evil has focused the issue in the sadism and destructiveness (Baranger, W. 1980) 3.2-3-The distinction between perversion and neurosis currency among psychoanalysts that the disavowal of castration and the splitting of the ego, have been the defining bases for differentiation between neurosis and perversion, these operators theoretical , disavowal of castration and excision of the self, present in the perverse actions have facilitated the distinction of repression, the foundation of sleep. A focus of this work is settled in this distinction. Volume sleep as neurotic performance paradigm (Moguillansky R. et al, 1991; R. Moguillansky 1999) 4 and study the traffic in patients perverse "acting perversely" the "dream." Propose that this transition is possible in the psychoanalysis of perversión.3-perversaMe Action is important, so it is perverse to dwell on the action as it will be my starting point in the search for indicators of change. A change that will, as announced, the deployment of perverse action to sueño.La perverse action is accompanied by unique modes of mental functioning, phenomenologically detectable in the analytic situation, a place where, in my opinion, we validate our observation . Transfer highlight the perverse: It refers to the attempt by the patient through the eroticism of the link of "perverting the transference link testing the ability of the analyst" (Horacio Etchegoyen 1977) 5, the eroticism of anxiety, guilt and grief as features of perversion (W. Gillespie 1956) 6, the pragmatic disturbances communication (David Liberman 1971) 7, the attack has emphasized the verdad7 Meltzer (1967) 9, as well as exhibitions of traditional and H. Rosenfeld (1950), 1987) 10 with the role of confusion, D. Meltzer (1967) also stressed the confusion of identity and erogenous zones by linking it to an experience of terror and stressed the exaltation pair of pregenital sexuality and sense of triumph over the genitals, from another corner has been enlightening description of Winnicott (1965) 11 about the premature eroticism I in response to early environmental failure purpose of fulfilling a autopreservación.También the psychoanalytic literature has described a constant: complicit relationship, secret, the perverse and incestuous mother. P. Aulagnier Castoriadis (1966) 12 suggests that it is "essential to the perverse relationship with the mother a bond of complicity with a seductive mother." R. Bak (1968) 13 extends over the future of perverse seduction by the mother, the incestuous relationship that it establishes, and the father to whom she becomes "a stranger, an outsider, a negligible amount." J. Chasseguet Smirgel (1975, 1988) 14 quoted a patient of her saying "I do not I had to take the place of my father, always busy." 4-The perversion and method psicoanalítico4-1-Some reflections then on the psychoanalytic method método.El established various forms of relationship that usually frame the daily links: a relationship with causality, determination and unparalleled points of interest with which such person was or had in the habitat in which they lived. While the method is given tacit recognition that both patient and analyst, belong to the "same world", establishing a dialogue asymmetric, ie with different characteristics to the "conversation." When we spoke, unless he has some special requirements, such belonging to the same world in the field determined that intersubjective relations are symmetrical. In the analytic situation even though the polarity symmetry-asymmetry is dynamic and changing in accordance with the conscious and unconscious vicissitudes of both participants, is a condition of possibility of intersubjective agreement method that the relationship will be predominantly asimétrica.4-2-The method in the psychoanalysis of patients perversosBaranger et al. (1983) 15 defined with the name of the rampart, that clinical situation in which the asymmetry is lost and the situation pact analytical interpersonal becomes unconscious structured symmetric links. When this happens the analyst and patient come into inadvertent complicity against the analytic process. The analyst will end, again and, once trapped in a dual relationship, the evil works in the same world that the analyst, but simultaneously the evil seem to live in a world - an illusion - where there are no experiences of castration and the experience of differences between human beings, there is diversity of realities that make the world of which we speak is just a human world. In psychoanalysis patients perverse perverse collusion is paradigmatic of the state of unconscious complicity against the analytical work, the collusion is inevitable, the process coursing through the lifting of the defenses. This other world - the evil jealously guarded secret - shows inaccessible to the analyst, the analyst discovers in the field with surprise, that the patient is not in the same perspective we, indeed, does not share this "piece of the world" with him . The persistence of evil stronghold goes beyond what the formulations in terms of primitive defense mechanisms can be described, as it reaches the surreptitious violation of the rules of logic that constitute the fabric of our daily relationship with reality, both internal and external. Seems closer to the truth to say that the evil shows us a reality where none exists. Therein lies the perversity engaño.La appears in the analyst's mind as a surreptitious and unexpected transgression of the basic agreement that enables and structures the intersubjective encounter. Upon contact with the psychic reality of evil, in the analyst's mind is set a world whose atmosphere is a deceptively dyed eroticism that sooner or later becomes qualities of violence. The heart is perverse, as a false reality, hanging in the air as an experience inaccessible to analista.5- Some clinical indicators of the rise of baluartes5-1-The action is the story: In the perverse action, scenes unfold with the same configuration, a scene that was assembled with the same characteristics each time, a sort of theatrical act mechanically repeats. The analysis shows that the scene unfolded in the perverse action involves contact with the world characterized by a sensual pluriexcitación, which provides a feeling of sensory overload that lacks joy of life, this scene consists of a series of sensations voluptuous times disjointed, unrelated to each other, at the same time suspending the ideas and everything happens in a time stopped, in the perverse performance feel ownership of those around them are accordingly marionetas.En patient at the time of the action does not usually have words to describe the scenes that take place in the perverse act. These scenes take place in an odd space to live normally, unaware that in which they talked with other people. Then the patient agrees to talk about his "performance" at the meeting constitutes a turning point in a psicoanálisis.5-2-Dawn of conflict with evil action displayed in a hint of an uprising of defenses that appear in the patient beginning of conflict that are expressed through of modesty, inconsistent with itself (evidence of a split subject) or evidence that action has a character compulsivo.Los feelings of shame and feelings inconsistency does not usually easily recognized, with its appearance leads to violence and frequent attitudes desafiantes.Un good index of the possibility of thinking of these inconsistencies is when it can be dreamed. Found in dreams hints that the split began to have fissures in the dream action ceases to be alien to their conscience and memory. Correspondingly, the speech loses self-consistency and the illusion that since the will decides that happened in his life. This tends to increase the violence because of the new narcissistic injury that results, from shame to humillación.5-3-sueños.Un The action and strong clinical indicator of change in the analysis of perverse sueñosSoñar is the appearance of being in analysis and presence of an analyst who listened to him, puts the evil in contact with a diametrically different emotional experience, while it is exposed to something that is imposed in mint life: dreams and not manipulated by him arose. Dreams can not be operated by remote control, are images that can not be predicted, their reverse, freeze or make desaparecer.Estoy suggesting that dreaming is a step goes beyond the narrative of the action, involves the emotional experience that involves the transition from one side to the other Spaltung freudiano.5-4-Deployment in the transference situation and contratransferencial.Es important in this search for indicators of rising bastions what unfolds in the transference situation and contratransferencial.Dentro of this line there are interesting indicators of change in the analyst's countertransference, for example, changes in curiosity in "extravagant sex lives on normal fees" 5-5 -Appearance of neurotic conflicts in the associative material and the situation analítica.Un important indicator is the appearance neurotic conflict in the associative material and in the analytic situation which is expressed in transference repetition, one important issue is the emergence of trust, which is often an indicator of establishing asymmetry in the relationship between analyst and patient. We also need to be aware that this is often experienced as peligroso.6-Considerations finales.En this text I have tried to account for the possible transit in psychoanalysis of patients from a condition which stems from a perverse structure with a troubled operation near the neurosis , which is its condition of possibility in the removal of defenses that make Spaltung hesitation allowing that life in "another world ". would emphasize as important milestones that the action is right story, the appearance of conflict within the self, as evidenced by the appearance of modesty, the incongruity, the emergence of dreams, which is taken as evidence of the installation of a coming conflict a neurotic functioning. awareness of the intrusive features included in the action through dreams, and the emergence of the feeling of horror at the preaching and fighting evil, the development of transference fantasies, changes in the patient transfer unfolds and the changes observed the analyst in his countertransference, the restoration of the asymmetry in the analytic situation, which had previously run the risk of being trapped in a relationship MoguillanskyMédico Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst dual.Rodolfo


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